Happy Thanksgiving! Well, day after Thanksgiving... I spent most of the day on the couch with the pup (who is officially one year old this month - yikes!), updating my tumblr theme, which took way longer than I hoped/expected, but now it's a beautifully responsive extension of this blog, and you should definitely follow me if you haven't already. Yes, that's a shameless plug, and I look forward to following you back. :)
In the afternoon, I got out for a few hours to chill with Mom and visit J at the firehouse. It sucks that he had to work on our first Thanksgiving as a married couple, and it sucks that I wasn't able to be with a whole bunch of family members like most other people, but I guess every year can't be family-filled and picture perfect. It would've been really nice to have some sweet potato pie, though.
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